Weight Management
Lighten up yourself

Being overweight brings along with it a number of health issues and makes you inactive. At Vayas, we believe that being overweight is nothing but a curable state of living. Practice Ayurveda with us and transform into a fitter and more positive self.

At Vayas, you are introduced to a fit and healthy life all over again with the Ayurvedic weight loss treatments. Ayurveda speeds up your metabolism naturally. With a combination of treatments, restructured diet and oral medication, this program will reduce your pounds in a healthy, methodical way. Added to it our herb-enriched steam bath will stimulate your body’s circulatory system, preventing further collection of fats and leave you healthy and radiant as ever.


Charak Samhita defines 8 different types of bodies that are disease prone and out of it, an obese body is the worst affected. But Ayurveda promises a way out of it too. It doesn’t speak highly of a thin and attractive body but of a healthy and athletic one, that doesn’t attract ailments and every cell of which is strong and efficient. The Ayurvedic approach promises an ideal weight based on a realistic look at your body type and restoring your entire digestive and metabolic processes.

Therapy details:

The weight reduction package at Vayas constitutes of a controlled Ayurvedic vegetarian diet, combined with herbal massage and herb-enriched steam baths that stimulate your body’s circulatory system, preventing further deposit of fat. Along with it, personalized weight loss treatments combined with Yoga and regular classes on cooking & nutrition, ensure you return home as a healthier person and maintain your weight with our nutritious recipes. Recommended for those who are obese, inactive, suffering from illnesses related to body weight, feel discomfort in working due to obesity etc.

Treatment duration:

21 days, 28 days